An exhibition celebrating our most vital resource
Water is the most crucial resource for life. An online & in-person international water-themed exhibition. Water is the most crucial resource for life. The work could be about serious topics such as water conservation and protection, but it could also be about the simple beauty of water. There is something about water that attracts and fascinates us. It is our hope that by celebrating the beauty and necessity of water in all our lives that we can better protect it.
Three entries per artist, all mediums accepted. We have a sliding entry fee scale. Pay what is appropriate to your situation here or below.
This year there will be a guest juror, Shane McAdams, and prizes rewarded for best in show and 1st-3rd place!
Entries due March 15th at midnight.
Show opens May 3rd and runs through May 25th
Please send three high resolution image (at least 3000 pixels on the longest side) to
Also submit in email: bio/ statement, Title info, date created, medium, size, pricing, where the piece is signed, birthplace, current residence, birth date, and current contact info.
Keep work under 40" wide.
I will be sending a contract out after March 15th with details. The show will be online through Artsy as well as in-person at the gallery's new location in Milwaukee and work must be for sale. We have a 50/50 commission.
Artwork needs to be ready to hang, with wire on the back.
Any questions? Please send me a message:


SMALL WORKS (2023): Online Exclusive Exhibition on Artsy
A call for entry for 2023 for works under 16 inches. This exhibition is open to all U.S. and canadian artists working in painting, drawing, printmaking, ceramics, glass, jewelry, sculpture, or photography (All mediums excluding installation, sound/video art).
Three entries per artist. We have a sliding entry fee scale. Pay what is appropriate to your situation here or below.
Entries due Feb 24th at midnight.
Show opens April 14th on Artsy and runs through Aug 31st
Please send three high resolution image (at least 3000 pixels on the longest side) to
Also submit: bio/ statement, Title info, date created, medium, size, pricing, where the piece is signed, birthplace, current residence, birth date, and current contact info (Artsy requests this info- if you do not feel comfortable providing all the info- that is ok).
I will be sending a contract out after Feb 24th with details. The show will be online through Artsy and work must be for sale. You keep the work and if it sells clients help pay shipping. You must be prepared to ship the work within 6 business days if it sells. We have a 50/50 commission.
Any questions? Please send me a message:
Interested in Exhibiting with us?
JMG reviews artist submissions twice per year. If you are interested in exhibiting with us, please send us your resume/bio, at least 10 high quality images, and anything you would like us to know about your practice! We are an artist-run, woman-owned gallery and are very supportive of our artists.
We are also seeking functional ceramic artists and jewelers!